Saturday, 11 October 2014

Short but Sweet #6

Oh hey!
We are back (hanging our heads in shame because it's been so long) with a joint post. Today is going to be a quick and easy alternative to driving to Starbucks and getting a delicious, and rather naughty Frappuccino. This tasty ice drink only takes two minutes and is super easy.
So lets go!

Step 1: Grab some ice cubes from your freezer and chuck them in your blender. We recommend filling it about 3/4 of the way to the max. line (if your blender has one).

Step 2: Pour in a can of a cold espresso drink. We got this Starbucks Double Espresso thing from the supermarket (you can get them in Sainsburys, Waitrose, Tesco etc..) and you don't need to add sugar to this as the the drink is already super sweet.

Step 3: Press the button and whizz it all up!! 

Step 4: Pour into two tumblers and top them of with squirty cream and cute straws!! These were so good and are great for sharing.

Thanks for having a read and we hope you give this a go!! 
Have a nice weekend!

Enjoy! X