Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Our Revision Tips!

Our Revision Tips!

Only 39 school days until the beginning of the summer holidays, yay! But, before the six heavenly weeks of sleeping and eating, we have the dreaded End of Year Exams *screams in terror*. Exams mean revision, and revision isn't easy to master. But, we have put our heads together and come up with some *hopefully* useful tips to help!

Step One.
Make sure you have all the stuff your going to need together and ready. You don't want to have to keep getting up and down to get things, this will distract (and annoy!) you.

Step Two.
Once you've got our stuff ready, grab yourself a snack before every revision session. I prefer to have a healthy snack like fruit and nuts because it gives me a good burst of energy, but won't give me a sugar high like chocolate will. Most importantly, DRINK WATER!!! You have to make sure you stay hydrated to avoid headaches and the like, plus, water is great for your skin, so the more you drink, the better your skin will look and feel!

Step Three.
After you have had your snack, change into something comfortable, but not your pyjamas because that will make you feel really sleepy!! I opted for a really old pair of tracksuit bottoms (to hideous to show), one of my dad's jumpers and fluffy socks.

Step Four.
Turn off your phone/iPod/electronics so you don't feel tempted to check them or watch YouTube videos *guilty face*.

Step Five.
Write a revision timetable. This will insure that you get a consistent amount of revision done. Don't cram it full, you don't want to push yourself to far and then get really panicky and stressed. Everyone gets a little bit stressed before exams (we are only humans!)but you don't want to over work yourself.

Step Six.
Read through the years books. I know this sounds boring, but it really does jog your memory. Also, look up old SATS papers online which will give you an idea of what type of questions might pop up.

Step Seven.
I like to write revision cards, which are little cards with bits of information on them. Reading them before you go to sleep helps you memorise them. Make them as colourful and as bright as you want!

I hope these tips help and good luck with your exams!

Enjoy! X

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